Interfaith Dialogue Association

About IDA    Goals    Board Members    Programs    Calendar


Interfaith Dialogue Association is a non-profit organization.

We are a member of North American Interfaith Network and affiliated with the United Religions Initiative.  IDA is a cosponsor of the annual Grand Dialogue on Science and Religion and a working partner with The Kaufman Interfaith Institute.

We invite you to become a member and attend our programs and activities. The work of the IDA takes place within our local religious communities, schools, the media, dialogue groups, interfaith services, and conferences.

Your tax-deductible donations to support our projects are appreciated and encouraged.


The Dialogue Decalogue: The Ground Rules of Inter-religious and Inter-ideological Dialogue*

 *from Dr. Leonard Swidler's "The Dialogue Decalogue" Journal of Ecumenical Studies (1983)


Interfaith Dialogue Association

234 Baynton

Grand Rapids MI 49503-3749

(616) 454 - 5960
